
You are why I do what I do

      How you helped Joan Dickie Jewelry become a reality


I am thrilled that you are here with me sharing your journey.  I hope that the gems add polish to the story of your life and bring a smile to you when the path is smooth or rocky.

-Joan Dickie-Joan Dickie Jewelry

A long time friend and I met and related stories of our childhoods.  We  loved looking for pretty rocks when we played as kids.  Both of us stared into the distance and sighed, wishing we had time to do that again.

After we said goodbye, I realized how I could help her with her wish to find beautiful stones.  I could find (gem)stones and make them into jewelry for her.  This would be a way to create adult stories that complement her childhood stories. 

When I presented the denim lapis necklace and earrings, her smile helped me realize how I could brighten the lives of others, for all those who remember the pretty stones of the past and wish to bring them into the present.